Kelso Volleyball Camps: A pair of camps for girls enteringgrades 3.biz9 will be held during June 27.biz29 in the south gym at KelsoHigh School. Cost for either camp is $40. For details, call AbbyGuttormsen, 501.biz1687.
Heritage Bank Womens Scramble: The annual two.bizperson tournamentwill be held July 13.biz14 at Three Rivers. Entry deadline is June 24.For details, call Three Rivers, 423.biz4653, or Patti Humpla,577.biz2672.
Southwest Washington YMCA: For details about swim programs, call423.biz4770.
Degrees of difficulty are E which is easier, shorter distanceswith relatively flat ground; M is moderate distance with moreelevation gain; S is strenous long distances with significantelevation gains.
Hike near Rudolph Spur in the Columbia River Gorge on Saturday.The S hike is 12.5 miles with a 3,750.bizfoot elevation gain. Fordetails, call Jerry C., 577.biz8992.
Adult lessons: For beginning golfers, the class offers properswing techniques. All equipment and balls are provided, but you mayuse your own clubs if you choose to. Classes are offered at theMint Valley Golf Course from 6 to 7 p.m. on Tuesdays and Wednesdaysduring July 5, 6, 13, 20 and 27, or during Aug. 9, 10, 16, 23 and30. Cost for either session is $99 for Longview residents, or $104for non.bizresidents. For details, call 442.biz5400 or register online at
Girls Hoop Camp: For girls entering grades 1.biz6, the camp will beheld from 9 to 11:30 a.m. June 24 on Joe Moses Court at R.A. LongHigh School. Camp clinicians are coaches and members of the RALgirls basketball team. Cost is $15 for Longview residents or $20for non.bizresidents. Registration is accepted from 11 to 5 p.m.weekdays at Longview Recreation, 2920 Douglas St., or online at For details, informationplease call 442.biz5400.
Mark Morris Softball Camp: The camp for girls entering grades4.biz8 will be held from 9 until noon during June 22.biz24 at Mark MorrisHigh School. Camp clinicians will be MM softball coach ScottHemberry and his staff. Cost is three rivers gorge$40 and includes a camp t.bizshirt.For details or to register,
three riversSports and Recreation Bulletin Board,Smart Start Baseball Camp: For ages 6.biz9, the camp prepares youthfor organized sports and teaches skills instruction, teamwork,sportsmanship and importance of having fun. Classes are offeredfrom 1 to 3 p.m. during July 18.biz22 at Kessler Elementary School.Cost is $31 for Longview residents or $36 for non.bizresidents. Fordetails, call 442.biz5400 or register online
Youth lessons: For beginning golfers ages 9.biz13, the class offersproper swing techniques. All equipment and balls are provided, butyou may use your own clubs if you choose to. Classes are offered atthe Mint Valley Golf Course from 4 to 5 p.m. on Tuesdays andWednesdays during July 5, 6, 13, 20 and 27, or during Aug. 9, 10,16, 23 and 30. Cost for either session is $99 for Longviewresidents, or $104 for non.bizresidents. For details, call 442.biz5400 orregister online at
Leo Teig Golf Camp: The annual event sponsored by theKelso/Longview Elks and the Three Rivers Golf Associations will beheld June 27.biz30 at the course. The camp is open to junior golfersages 8.biz17, and all campers receive instruction from courseprofessionals, high school coaches, Elks Club members andexperienced course members. Cost is $10 per player. For details orto register, call 423.biz4653.
Clatskanie Rifle and Pistol Club: For details about events,visit or call rangemaster GreggSmith, (360) 606.biz3478.
Submit your youth sports photo to the McCordBrothers youth photo page. Your photo could appear in the sportssection of the Sunday edition of the printed and will appearin theonline photo gallery!
Pitching lessons: Ex.bizLower Columbia College and Hawaii PacificUniversity star Chad Wagner, now an assistant pitching coach atLCC, is offering pitching lessons in place of LCC pitching coachRob Hippi. For details and reservations, call (360) 461.biz2950.
Mint Valley: Husband.bizwife two.bizfor.bizone special on Tuesdays fromnoon to 3 p.m. features reduced greens fees for 18.bizhole rounds to$11.50 each.
Fourth of July Fun Run: The 10.bizkilometer and 5k runs to benefitthe United Mitochondrial Disease Foundation begins at 8:30 a.m.July 4 at Tam OShanter Park. Awards will be presented to theoverall male and female, along with the top.bizthree in each agedivision. Pre.bizregistration is $15 per person or $40 for a mily oftwo adults and unlimited children. Race day entries are $20 forindividuals or $45 for milies, and additional shirts can bepurchased for $11 each. For details, call David Chilson, (360)751.biz2963, or Dan Bowman, (360) 430.biz7017.
Junior golf league for ages 8.biz17 will be held during June29.bizAug. 31 at the course. Cost is $25 enrollment fee and $5 foreach week played. Optional clinics are available at noon each weekfor $5.
Hilander Hoop Camp 2: For boys entering grades 3.biz6, the campwill be held from 9 to 11:30 a.m. during June 22.biz24 in the KelsoHigh gymnasium. Clinicians will be Kelso High boys basketball coachJoe Kinch and his staff. Cost is $40 and includes a camp t.bizshirt.For additional information, call 501.biz1846 or
Monarch Red Devil Boys Basketball Camp: The 19th annual eventwill be held June 21.biz25 at Mark Morris High School and LowerColumbia College. The five.bizday camp is under the direction of LCCmens basketball coach Jim Roffler and MM boys basketball BillBakamus. Campers entering grades 4.biz7 will participate from 9 untilnoon, and campers entering grades 8.biz10 will participate from 1 to 4p.m.. Each camper receives a basketball, T.bizshirt and various otherprizes. Cost is just $75. No school affiliation is required.Campers can register by mail, or applications can be picked up atAthletes Corner, or the MM Activities Office.
Lower Columbia Flyfishers: Visit or contact JerrySchroeder, 864.biz6960.
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Briarcliff pool: Admission fees for the pool located at RainierHigh School are $3.50 for adults, $2.50 for children and seniors,or $12 for a mily. Multi.bizvisit passes are available. Pool rentalis available for up to 40 swimmers for $40 an hour. For additionaldetails, call (503) 556.biz4217 or visit
Submit your team photo to the Dick Hannah Recognitionof Excellence. Your photo could appear in the sports section of theFriday edition of the printed and will appear in theonline photogallery!
Smart Start Basketball Camps: For ages 6.biz9, the camp preparesyouth for organized sports and teaches skills instruction,teamwork, sportsmanship and importance of having fun. Classes areoffered from 1 to 3 p.m. during June 27.bizJuly 1 or July 25.biz29 atKessler Elementary School. Cost is $31 for Longview residents or$36 for non.bizresidents. For details, call 442.biz5400 or registeronline
Registration for summer swim lessons is now being accepted forclasses starting June 27. Classes will meet Monday through Thursdayfor two weeks. Levels 5.biz6 will meet at 9 a.m., Levels 1.biz4 andpreschools will meet at 9:15, 10 and 10:45 a.m., and Levels 1.biz6will meet at 11:30.
An introduction to Oregon/Florida Concealed Carry License classwill be held from 8 to 4 p.m. June 25. Pre.bizregistration is requiredand a fee is charged. For details, visit the club Web site or callthe rangemaster.
Toledo High School: Sports physicals will be offered at 3:30p.m. Thursday in the gymnasium. Cost is $10. Complete sportspackets for each athlete are available at the school.
Mount St. Helens Hiking Club: The group holds several hikes eachmonth. For more information, call the hike leader listed or visit Please notify hike leader in advance of yourfirst hike, and for departure time and location.
Hike to Gillette Lake on three riversSports and Recreation Bulletin BoardJune 20. The E/M hike is five mileswith a 300.bizfoot elevation gain, or continue to the GreenleafOverlook for an additional 2.5 miles and 600.bizfoot elevation gain.For details, call Karin S., 578.biz0677, or Marcia E., (800)519.biz7388.
Girls basketball Camps: Kelso Parks and Recreation along withKelso Girls Basketball will host two basketball camps during July5.biz8 at Kelso High School. Girls entering grades 3.biz7 will meet from10 until noon. Cost is $25 and includes camp prizes. Girls enteringgrades 8.biz12 will meet from 2:30 to 5:30 p.m. in a position.bizspecificcamp for point guards, wings and posts. Cost is $40 and includes acamp t.bizshirt and skills pack. Registration forms are available atKelso High School, Athletes Corner and from elementary and middleschool physical education teachers in the Kelso School District.For details, call Lacey DeWeert, 501.biz1820, or
Start Smart Soccer Camps: For ages 6.biz9, the camp prepares youthfor organized sports and teaches skills instruction, teamwork,sportsmanship and importance of having fun. Classes are offeredfrom 1 to 3 p.m. during July 11.biz15 or Aug. 1.biz5 at KesslerElementary School. Cost is $31 for Longview residents or $36 fornon.bizresidents. For details, call 442.biz5400 or register online
Vancouver USA Marathon: The events will be held Saturday andSunday in downtown Vancouver. The 5.bizkilometer and kids races willbe held Saturday, with the full and half.bizmarathons on Sunday. Costis $99 for the marathon or $59 for the half.bizmarathon, and fitnespo packages are available. For details or to register,
38th annual Best in the West Goosetown/Bud Lite Tournament: Thelargest mens and womens ASA softball tournament in the PacificNorthwest will be held July 8.biz10 in Anaconda, Mont. Divisions ofplay include mens B, C D1 and D2, and womens C, D1 and D2, andthe tournament is limited to 170 teams. Applications must bereceived by June 27. For details, call tournament director BillHill, (406) 560.biz1197, or visit
Toutle Lake Basketball Cage Camp: For boys entering grades 2.biz8,the camp will be held from 9 to 11:30 a.m. during July 6.biz8 atToutle Lake High School. Cost is $30 and includes a camp t.bizshirt.For details or to request a registration packet, call Eric Swanson, or 274.biz8361.
Southwest Washington Canoe Club: The club has disbanded, butindividuals are still organizing group events. New leaders desiringto revive the club can call Jim, 425.biz5123, Gordon, 425.biz3641, orMargaret, 423.biz4760.
Gaither Pool: For a list of all activities including lifeguardtraining, exercise classes, lap swimming, recreational swims,mily swims and pool rentals, download the summer swin schedule at or call 501.biz1855.
Teen tennis lessons: For ages 13.biz18, lessons emphasize the basicstrokes and footwork, forehand, backhand, serve and volley.Sessions will be held from 10:15 to 11:30 a.m. during June 27.biz30,July 5.biz8, July 18.biz21, July 25.biz28, Aug. 1.biz4, Aug. 8.biz11 and Aug.15.biz18 at the Mint Valley Racquet Center. Cost is $38 per sessionfor Longview residents, or $43 for non.bizresidents. For details, call442.biz5400, or register online at
R.A. Long Mini.bizVolleyball Camp: The seventh annual event forgirls entering grades 2.biz8 will be held June 22.biz23 on Joe MosesCourt at R.A. Long High School. Girls entering grades 2.biz5 will meetfrom 9 to 11:30 a.m., followed by girls entering grades 6.biz8 from 1to 3:30 p.m. Cost is $40 at the door. Registration forms areavailable at the RAL ASB office and at each Longview school.
Youth tennis lessons: For ages 7.biz12, lessons emphasize the basicstrokes and footwork, forehand, backhand, serve and volley.Sessions will be held from 9 to 10:15 a.m. during June 27.biz30, July5.biz8, July 18.biz21, July 25.biz28, Aug. 1.biz4, Aug. 8.biz11 and Aug. 15.biz18 atthe Mint Valley Racquet Center. Cost is $38 per session forLongview residents, or $43 for non.bizresidents. For details, call442.biz5400, or register online at
Third annual Go 4th Tournament: The four.bizperson scramblebest.bizball event to support the annual mily festival general fundwill be held June 27 at Three Rivers Golf Course. Cost is $75 perperson or $300 for a four.bizperson team and includes golf, powercart, gifts, prizes and dinner.
The National Rifle Association Basic Pistol Class for womenwill be held from 8 to 4 p.m. on July 9. This course includeslive.bizfire training and is taught by NRA.bizcertified pistolinstructors. Fee for the class is $60 for club members, or $80 fornon.bizmembers. For details, visit the club website or call therangemaster.
Co.bized Soccer Camp: For boys and girls ages 6.biz12, the campintroduces soccer skills, and games qre played to cover all aspectsof soccer. Camp is from 5:30 to 7 p.m. during July 18.biz22 atVictoria Freeman Park. Cost is $41 for Longview residents or $46for non.bizresidents. For details, call 442.biz5400.
Lumberjam Hoop Camp: The annual camp for boys entering grade4.biz10 will be held June 27.biz29 on Joe Moses Court at R.A. Long HighSchool. Boys entering grades 4.biz7 will meet from 9:30 a.m. untilnoon, followed by campers entering grades 8.biz10 from 1 to 3:30 p.m.Cost is $45 for early registration or $50 at the door, and includesa camp t.bizshirt and treats. Camp clinicians are R.A. Long High boysbasketball coach Rally Wallace and members of his staff.Registration forms are available at the RAL ASB office, AthletesCorner or by email additional details, call 575.biz7227.
Guys and Gals Mixed Chapman Invitational: The tournament will beheld June 25.biz26 at Three Rivers. Entry deadline is Friday, andentry forms are available at Three Rivers or by calling423.biz4653.
Three Rivers: Happy Hour will be held from 3 p.m. to closingeach day through September. Special prices include $10 for nineholes of golf, golf carts are $10 for nine holes (two riders),driving range tokens are $2, along with food and beveragespecials.
Hilander Hoop Camp 3: For boys and girls entering kindergartenthrough second grade, the came will be held from 1 to 3 p.m. duringJune 22.biz24 in the Kelso High gymnasium. Clinicians will be KelsoHigh boys basketball coach Joe Kinch and his staff. Cost is $40 andincludes a camp t.bizshirt. For additional information, call 501.biz1846or
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33nd annual Beach.bizto.bizChowder Run/Walk: The event which alsofeatures and 10.bizkilometer runs and a certified half.bizmarathonwill be held Saturday beginning at the Bolstad Ave. beach approachin Long Beach. The half.bizmarathon begins at 9 a.m. followed by allother races at 10. Trophies will be awarded to the top overall maleand female finishers in all races, and finisher medals will bepresented to all participants. Registration will be held from 5 to8 p.m. Friday, and from 7 to 8:30 a.m. on race day at the Traindepot building located at the corner of Third St. and NorthwestPacific Highway in Long Beach.
Pick the 10 drivers you think will finish 1st through 10th foreach race. Your top 15 races count as your overall score.?Competefor great national prizes!
Kung Fu lessons: For ages 5.biz13, this class will give yourchildren the skills and confidence to deal with self defensesituations effectively. Children will learn KidSafe skills todeal with abduction from an adult as well as BullyProof skills todeal with assault from other children. The classes give childrenthe opportunity to experience martial arts in a positive, safeenvironment. Classes are held from 3 to 3:45 p.m. during June 27.biz30or July 18.biz21at the Academy of Kung Fu, 1236 14th Ave. Cost is $30per session for Longview residents, or $35 for non.bizresidents. Fordetails, call 442.biz5400 or register online at
Swim lessons will be held from 9 to 10 a.m., 11 a.m. until noonor 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. on Monday through Friday during June 20.bizJuly1, July 11.biz22, July 25.bizAug. 5 or Aug. 8.biz19. Cost is $35. Eveninglessons will be held from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. on Monday throughThursday during June 20.biz30 or July 11.biz21. Cost is $28.
Kelso.bizLongview Chamber of Commerce Golf Classic: The annualevent will be held Friday at the Longview Country Club. Cost is$.biz per player or $500 for a team of four, and includes lunch,driving range, putting contest, 18 holes of golf, two power cartsper team, tee prizes, team photo, and contests for hole.bizin.bizone,closest to the pin and long drives. For details,
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