Sunday, September 11, 2011

Does Too Much Self-esteem Create Mediocrity?

Does Too Much Self-esteem Create Mediocrity?

Do we hand out praise to readily and is it causing an inflated sense of self-esteem within our society making being mediocre, or worse the norm.


I recently looked up the definition self-esteem on the internet and the general consensus of opinion was that it means; self-esteem reflects a person?s overall evaluation or appraisal of his or her own worth. The reason I looked it up was because I was wondering if it was possible to have a high level of self-esteem but in reality you were only mediocre.

Let me explain what I mean; we are bombarded with talent and celebrity (so called) ?look at me I can make myself look a complete fool and still get paid for it? shows on our televisions.? Obviously the participants must think that they have at least some sort of chance of winning, so they must have a high level of self-esteem.? But after watching some of these shows I get the impression that a very high percentage of the participants have little to no talent at all, but if you told them that, they would look at you as if you were a lunatic.


My theory about this is that we heap praise upon people far too easily these days, giving them the impression that they are the bee?s knees, and upping their levels of self-esteem.? In schools these days you get a certificate for turning up on most days, so what happens, the child is pleased with themselves, thinks that turning up most days is a high level of achievement and their self-esteem thermostat soars.? This is only one example of praising mediocrity, and I don?t want you to get the idea that I think that mediocrity should be punished because I don?t.? Give it some compassion, but don?t hand out certificates and cups for it.

Thankfully my television has an off button so I don?t have to watch mediocre celebrities and acts, but it does concern me that we have produced a generation, and seem determined to continue produce future generations, who think that nearly being good at something is all that is necessary to achieve success.

The self-esteem thermostat of the nation is stuck on mediocre and for that to rise even as high as good we have to raise the bar before handing out trophies and certificates to the wannabes and ?think they cans?.

Former Registered Nurse and now Web Developer Keith Watson ? together with Adam Eason, Clinical Hypnotherapist have developed a website, blog, podcast and weekly ezine all about self-hypnosis and self improvement. Go see this site about Adam Eason at and get some great freebies.


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