If you have a traditional (i.e. deductible) individual retirement account (IRA), you may wonder how much you'll have in it when you die for legacy purposes. You must make minimum required distributions (MRDs), but if you restrict your withdrawals to these minimums, I can give you an idea. I'll assume that you make it to 70 years of age, you're the owner of your IRA, and you'll withdraw your yearly MRD starting at age 70.
The amount you're required to withdraw each year for your MRD is simply the value of your IRA at the end of the preceding year divided by the Internal Revenue Service's 'remaining life expectancy' for your age. This remaining life expectancy can be found in the IRS-life expectancy table - in IRS Pub 590, Appendix C, table III. This table is only for IRS owners who are not married or married with a spouse less than 10 years younger; it's not for beneficiaries who must use table I.
You'll see that your remaining life expectancy decreases usually by about 0.8 years - but not by 1.0 year for each year you get older. That's because your projected statistical age of death (50/50 chance) actually increases as you get older. Nevertheless, when determining your MRD each year, you'll be dividing by a smaller number - since your remaining life expectancy (i.e. the years you statistically have left to live) is always getting smaller. This means you'll be taking out a somewhat larger fraction of whatever is in your IRA holdings at the end of the previous year every year.
That IRS table shows a remaining life expectancy of some 27.4 years when you're 70 years old. This presumes a 50/50 chance that you'll live beyond 97.4. And, your remaining life expectancy - according to the IRS table - decreases to 1.9 years when you reach 115. You'd have to take almost 53% (= 1/1.9) of your remaining IRA then as a MRD - if you were alive!
But, in fact, the IRS table doesn't represent a true life expectancy but a devised one for IRA distributions. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) tabulates life expectancy and shows that at age 70, you have a 50/50 chance of living to about 85 - not to 97.4 as the IRS table III shows. IRS table I better mimics the CDC tables, but is only for IRA beneficiaries use - not IRA owners.
Nevertheless, the MRDs are required because the government wants to recapture some of that tax money on your earned income you didn't pay when you made a deductible contribution to your IRA all those years before as well as all those tax-deferred earnings within your IRA. It's skews its IRA remaining life expectancy so no one necessarily runs out too fast by taking MRDs only.
*Your IRA value vs age through retirement year:
You must begin making your MRDs after turning age 701/2. Since you statistically have 27.4 years left at age 70, you must take 0.0365 (= 1/27.4) out your IRA for your first minimum distribution; that means withdrawing about 3.7%. Each following year that fraction will rise - slowly at first and increasingly so as time goes on.
So will your IRA grow larger or not? It'll grow larger as long as its annual earnings rate is greater than the MRDs' depletion rate. The MRDs will eventually win out since their depletion rate will continually get larger - and increasingly so as time goes on.
Let's consider how your IRA value will fare versus your age at 3 annual earnings rates of 3%, 5% and 7%. At 3%, it will begin diminishing since that's less than the initial RMD depletion rate. At 5%, it will rise at first and peak when you're about 79 years old at about 113% of its initial value at age 70. At a 7% annual earnings rate, your IRA will grow faster and peak when your 87 at about 138% of its value at age 70.
And, if you were to die at 85 - the statistical age to die for someone who is 70? In that case your IRA values would have achieved, for the 3%, 5% and 7% earnings rates, about 79%, 103%, and 135% of its initial value at age 70, respectively.
Source: http://ezinearticles.com/6261141
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