Monday, June 24, 2013

Fires of War

So, I'm sure there are some people out there that are into post-apocalyptic survival stories. Me? I'm not really that big of a fan. However, I have my own ways of trying to make things more...interesting. Humans cannot survive on their own. The most threatening opposing force is not hordes of zombies or a deadly infection, but rather something that lurks in significantly smaller numbers. Of course, that's not to say that other hostiles don't exist - there are ones of many natures, in fact; the premise is that traits of these few, incredibly powerful beings have been passed on to some humans, weaponized, and turned against them in a last ditch attempt to retake humanity. These are the hybrids. Doesn't always work out so well, but it's infinitely better than what they have. But that's not the only problem: The hybrids need to feed as well, and the leading force in human recovery - CoHRR - finds that once everything is over, once all of the hunters have been killed and consumed by the hybrids, the remaining hybrids will have no choice but to feed on the humans to survive and that is an outcome that many will go to dire straits to avoid.

Looking for literate and committed players. Details on the inside.



gossip girl Ink Master Jenni Rivera Funeral aspergers Richard Engel

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