Thursday, January 12, 2012

IMC - India meets Classic presents... "Thought Experiment(s) ? vichinthana pratisaMvedan: The Concept of Culture" (edition no. 00, part 1 of 3)

Thought Experiment(s) ? vichinthana pratisaMvedan: The Concept of Culture (edition No. 00)

In the press release of 22nd November ( it was announced that the promotion initiative IMC ? India meets Classic ( will go ?onair? with a new radio format. ?Thought Experiment(s)? will be aired from 22th Dec. 2011 on in the sense of a medial continuation of the ?project of Enlightenment? (details here: ).

The show will be broadcasted monthly, every 3rd Thursday at 09:00 pm CET (03:00 pm EST) worldwide as Internet radio (radio / Berlin) and bi-lingual and repeated following Sunday from 07:00-08:00 am CET (11:30-12:30 Indian Time).

The introductory premiere shortly before Christmas 2011 is given the topic ?The Concept of Culture? and illuminates in a first outline the relationship between culture and civilization, with reference to Immanuel Kant?s sense orientation, cultural symbolic language and cultural regions.

date of broadcasting?

premiere: 22nd Dec 2011 ? 09:00 pm CET @ radio
(1st repetition: 25th Dec 2011 ? 07:00-08:00 am CET (11:30-12:30 am Indian Time) @ radio (Germany/Berlin))
broadcasting plan | streaming (Internet Radio & Mobile Radio) | podCast

Thought experiment(s) literally means in Sanskrit: vichintana pratisaMvedan. ? ?vichintana? has the meaning: ?thinking about the aftermath more than once?. And pratisaMvedan is the experiment. The term collectively can be understood as ?thinking about the aftermath in an empirical fashion?.


GedankenExperiment(e) ? vichinthana pratisaMvedan: Zum Begriff der Kultur (Ausgabe Nr. "00")

In der Pressemitteilung aus November 2011 ( wurdeangekuendigt, dass die Foerderinitiative IMC ? India meets Classic ( mit dem neuen Radioformat ?GedankenExperiment(e)? ab 22.12.2011 auf Sendung gehen wird, im Sinne einer medialen Fortfuehrung des ?Projektes der Aufklaerung? (Details hier:

Die Sendung wird jeden 3. Donnerstag um 21:00 Uhr als Internet-Radio (radio / Berlin) und bi-lingual (ENG/DE) ausgestrahlt, mit Wiederholung am darauffolgenden Sonntag um 07:00 Uhr (11:30 Uhr indische Zeit).

Die einfuehrende Premieresendung kurz vor Weihnachten 2011 steht unter der ueberschrift ?Zum Begriff der Kultur? und beleuchtet in einem ersten Abriss das Verhaeltnis von Kultur und Zivilisation, mit Bezug auf Immanuel Kant?s Vernunftorientierung, eine kulturelle Symbolsprache und Kulturraeume.

Sendetermin (Premiere)?

Premiere: 22. Dezember 2011 ? 21:00 CET @ radio
(Erstwiederholung: 25. Dez. 2011 ? 07:00-08:00 CET (11:30-12:30 am Indian Time) @ radio (Berlin))
broadcasting plan | streaming (Internet Radio & Mobile Radio) | podCast

GedankenExperiment(e) wird in der indischen Sprache Sanskrit wortgetreu als ?vichintana pratisaMvedan? uebersetzt. Fuer sich heisst vichintana: ?Das mehrfache Nachdenken ueber die Auswirkungen.? Und pratisaMvedan ist einfach das Experiment. ? vichintana pratisaMvedan bedeutet also: ?Denken ueber Auswirkungen in einer empirischen Form?.

This audio is part of the collection: IMC - India Meets Classic
It also belongs to collection: Radio Programs

Artist/Composer: Lothar J.R. Maier (promotion initiative IMC - India meets Classic)
Date: 2011-12-22 21:00:00
Source: IMC OnAir -
Keywords: Foerderinitiative IMC - India meets Classic; promotion initiative IMC - India meets Classic; IMC - India meets Classic; India meets Classic; IMCRadio.Net; IMCRadio; IMC OnAir; thought; Thought Experiment; Experiment; vichinthana pratisaMvedan; vichinthana; pratisaMvedan; project of Enlightenment; bi-lingual; Immanuel Kant; Kant; sense orientation; culture; concept; concept of culture; cultural symbolic language; language; cultural region; Sanskrit; thinking; GedankenExperiment; Gedanken; Kultur; Kulturbegriff; Projekt der Aufklaerung; Aufklaerung; Zum Begriff der Kultur; Zivilisation; Vernunftorientierung; Symbolsprache; Sprache; Kulturraum; Nachdenken; empirisch

Creative Commons license: Attribution-Noncommercial-No Derivative Works 3.0 Germany


All IMC broadcasting shows present original recordings, produced in India and published / distributed from Indian Music Labels. The frame work of Indian Classical Music is set by Raga forms. Raags describe the emotional expression and define the material of notes.

... complete programme with all details (inclusive podcasting) see (German/English language site).

India meets Classic presents "Thought Experiment(s) ? vichinthana pratisaMvedan: The Concept of Culture" (edition No. 00, part 1 of 3)

Website (DE/ENG): IMC OnAir - IMCRadio.Net
Blog Site (ENG):
IMC OnAir's Video dataBase:

Individual Files

20111222_2100_IMC-OnAir-THE_No_00_The_Concept_of_Culture_part1_3.mp3 37.9 MB
20111222_IMC_presents_Thought_Experiments_No_00_part_1_3_files.xml Metadata [file]
20111222_IMC_presents_Thought_Experiments_No_00_part_1_3_meta.xml Metadata 5.7 KB
Derivation Rules
20111222_IMC_presents_Thought_Experiments_No_00_part_1_3_rules.conf 7.0 B


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